Nanophos innovates nanotech for better performance in construction, energy, healthcare.
Photocatalytic coating for hygiene long-lasting protection that works against germs.
Following in the footsteps of DeSalin ™ technology, SurfaShield τα series products contain titanium nanoparticles which, when illuminated natural or artificial) release germicidal agents (oxygen radicals). Titanium is not consumed and expresses continuous disinfectant action under light . SurfaShield ™ MBC & MBS , provide proven continuous antimicrobial protection up to 6 weeks after application!
Unique composition, based on a suspension of titanium dioxide nanoparticles, which retain photocatalytic properties. SurfaShield ™ MBC is a unique suspension of titanium dioxide nanoparticles with photocatalytic properties. It is activated by light and provides continuous protection against the growth of germs. It is permanently anchored on any kind, inner or outer surface and has excellent abrasion and washing resistance. Action up to 6 weeks against germs.
Laboratory tests by independent laboratories have shown that SurfaShield ™ MBC ‘s germ reduction rate is 55 CFU per minute per square centimeter (CFU stands for colony forming unit in microbiology), illuminated by four 58W fluorescent tubes. As an example, an example of everyday life, proving how contaminated some surfaces are, such as the elevator button which collects 313 CFU per cm2, 40 times more germs than a public toilet seat. Based on the above, SurfaShield ™ MBC offers excellent antimicrobial protection, even in indoor lighting conditions.
However, SurfaShield ™ MBC can only be applied to clean and disinfected substrates for better anchoring of the active ingredients to the surface for up to 45 days. After application, the surfaces can be used normally without reducing the antimicrobial protection offered by SurfaShield ™ MBC , even if conventional (non-corrosive) cleaners are used. Its indoor use also increases indoor air quality, eliminating odors and harmful volatile organic compounds. SurfaShield ™ MBC oxidizes the toxic compounds NOx and SOx.
International Standards Testing : Antibacterial action (ISO EN 27447): Inactivation of bacterial microorganisms E. coli (ATCC 51813): 98.92%, Listeria monocytogenes (ATCC 19115): 99 , 89% and Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 6538) 99.68% within 4 hours exposure to natural light intensity: 55.6 μ (360-420nm). Antifungal action (ISO EN 27447): Inactivation of fungal microorganisms Aspergillus and Penicillium spores: 87.27% within 4 hours exposure to natural light intensity: 55.6 μ (360-420nm). Nitrous oxide reduction (ISO 22197-1: 2007): photocatalytic activity was measured by NO oxidation under UV light (350 nm, 10 W.m-2). The NO gas is adsorbed on the photocatalytic surface and oxidized to produce nitrate ions (NO3 -).
Meets standard: EN 1276
SurfaShield ™ MBS : Composition enriched with silver (I) cations, enhancing antibacterial activity.
Knobs, elevator panels, painted masonry, workbenches, stainless steel, trolleys, keys, telephone sets, furniture, fabrics