Nanophos innovates nanotech for better performance in construction, energy, healthcare.
Water Based, Thermal Protective Paint for Interior Walls & Ceilings
When thermal energy is tranfered through walls and other surfaces, large amounts of energy are often necessary for cooling in the summer and heating in the winter. SurfaPaint™ ThermoDry Interior is a high quality paint with thermal protective properties, ideal for interior use. Powered by SurfaPore ThermoDry, it contains special thermal protective materials contributing to energy savings during winter and summer. The thermal protective particles block heat transfer, reflect thermal radiation, and create a moisture barrier that can result in significant energy savings. As it prevents thermal bridging, it minimizes moisture condensation and mould growth. SurfaPaint™ ThermoDry Interior is ideal for children’s room, bathrooms, kitchens, hospitals, school buildings, hotels and public areas due to its high washability and scrub resistance. The triple action of SurfaPaint™ ThermoDry Interior paint, i.e. thermal radiation reflectance, heat tranfer resistance and water repellence protects painted surfaces and improves energy efficiency.
SurfaPaint™ ThermoDry Interior combines a superior quality interior paint with the thermal protective properties of SurfaPore ThermoDry. This paint composition delivers all the benefits of a high quality paint: Scrub resistance,excellent coverage, anti-fungal action, strong adhesion and coating flexibility. SurfaPaint™ ThermoDry Interior also contains the ideal quantity of SurfaPore ThermoDry that assures all the benefits of a superior thermally protective paint: Significant reduction in thermal conductivity, reflectance of infrared radiation and decreased water absorption of the final coating. Therefore, the application of SurfaPaint™ ThermoDry Interior can prevent thermal bridges on walls, a frequent phenomenon of poorely insulated surfaces. It is an ideal solution for preventing mould growth by eliminating humidity condensation on cold wall surfaces, along with its anti-fungal properties. Finally, it reduces internal heat losses increasing the energy efficiency of buildings. It can be
used as a tinting base for light shades.
Suitable for every kind of new or old surfaces such as concrete, plaster, drywalls and wood.
Now available in bases for easy coloring
Approved by European Cool Roofs Council (ECRC) Product ID: FA00000005.
Ideal for children’s room, bathrooms, kitchens, hospitals, school buildings, hotels and public areas