SurfaDur P Pool

High solids, self-levelling, Polyaspartic Waterproofing Pool Coating

SurfaDur P Pool is a high performance, two component, polyaspartic flexible pool coating, with self-levelling properties and excellent resistance to UV radiation and to mechanical stresses and scratches. SurfaDur P Pool presents high resistance to chemicals, sunscreen oils and sea water. It applies easily presenting extended working time while it cures fast for urgent delivery projects. After curing, the resulting monolithic membrane becomes seamless water and vapor/gas barrier with long life expectancy.


High solids, self-levelling, Polyaspartic Waterproofing Pool Coating

SurfaDur P Pool is a high performance, two component, polyaspartic flexible pool coating, with self-levelling properties and excellent resistance to UV radiation and to mechanical stresses and scratches. SurfaDur P Pool presents high resistance to chemicals, sunscreen oils and sea water. It applies easily presenting extended working time while it cures fast for urgent delivery projects. After curing, the resulting monolithic membrane becomes seamless water and vapor/gas barrier with long life expectancy.


The distinctive characteristics of SurfaDur P Pool, summarize as follows:
• Self-levelling properties and easy application
• Excellent resistance to mold and micro-organism growth
• Zero water absorption
• Fast curing (<24h)
• Colour and gloss stability, no chalking
• High chemical resistance
• High solids and low odour

SurfaDur P Pool is highly recommended for the protection of concrete pools and concrete tanks or pools already coated with epoxy or other painting systems, as long as they are well adhered. It is also ideal for decks, water slide parks, fountains, ponds, water tanks or any other professional application where colour stability and long-term surface protection is required.

No thinner is required while application with short nap, microfiber fabric, or thinner resistant roller is stronlgy recommended.

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