SurfaPaint™ Hellas Cool White

Fibrous 100% Acrylic, Elastomer Waterproof, water based

Elastomeric, 100% acrylic, fiber reinforced, waterproofing, water-based paint with extremely high whiteness. It offers “cool” and sealing properties by combining high thermal reflectance/emittance and
seal even from ponding water. The fibers inserts offer an absolute sealing solution, follow the contractions/expansions of the surfaces due to temperature changes, while in the same time prevent
the crack formation and result to a flawless final membrane. The elastomeric membrane bridges the capillary cracks of the substrate and remains elastic from -20oC up to +60oC without cracking. It is
breathable and resistant to extreme weather conditions, constant moisture, frost, intense sunlight, abrupt temperature fluctuations and city pollution.

Ideal for new or old exterior construction surfaces such as rooftops, or substrates form ellenite, bricks, plasterboard, cement board, cement, plaster etc.


  • High thermal reflection | emission and sealing.
  • Fiber Optic | prevents the formation of capillary cracks, due to the elastomeric components contained in its composition.
  • Extremely resistant to extreme weather and temperature range.
  • Ideal for use on new or old exterior building surfaces.
  • It has great elasticity thanks to its high quality acrylic resin.

Spreading Rate

0.8 – 0.9 m2/L (roofs), for two coats, depending on the absorbance of surface application.

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